THC-Hydra password bruteforcing with john the ripper
1. Introduction You probably already known THC-Hydra. Hydra is a brute-force password cracker, supporting a lot of protocols/services. The only problem you could have with Hydra is : Hydra don’t digest...
View Articlepsk-crack (ike-scan) CUDA add-on
UPDATE: Thinks are moving well on ! Hello, If you are familiar with ike-scan and you hold NVidia card(s), you could be interested by cracking Pre-Shared...
View ArticleCracking WatchGuard passwords
Watchguard Firewall appliances offer the ability to manage policies per user. Several mechanisms can be used to authenticate users (Active Directory, LDAP, Radius, ..) including a local database called...
View ArticleMcAfee SiteList.xml password decryption
Recently, a very good friend of mine (@Sn0rkY) pointed me out the story of a pentester who recovered the encrypted passwords from a McAfee SiteList.xml file, using Responder (link). Simply clever....
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